Thursday, January 24, 2019

How to get IFSC code of any bank?

How to get IFSC code of any bank?

nowdays Online money tansaction is a very normal things. We can send and teceive money from anywhere to any place.

And all transaction done in few minutes. You don't need to go anywhere for money transaction you can send money from your home By your mobile. Internet make our life very easy.

But some time when we have to send money to anywhere so we need some information, details of receiver Like Bank account number, bank name bank, account holders name, and IFSC code.

But some time we face problem for IFSC code its a big problem so I found the solution of this problem. I mean after read this article if you had forgotten IFSC code so you will get IFSC code very easily.

I had been also faced this problem. I had to send money to someone but which IFSC code they gave me that was wrong so I found this trick. This trick is really very good. It is not fake not wrong information its 100% real.

So first of all you have to install paytm You can install by this link it is new version paytm link ( ) After intall paytm you have to open it and you will see there passbook option click on it after this you will see there is wallet money option click on that. now you will see there is three option but you have to click send money to bank. 

After this there asking for bank account details you don't have to fill. you have to click only on find IFSC code. this option is in IFSC code column right hand side.

After click on find IFSC you will see another page there paytm ask bank name, state and district when you fill it you will see the IFSC code of the bank.

Firstly you have to select bank like corporation bank. and then you have to click on state and then click in district. and then click on search your bank IFSC code is in fromt of you.

It is very helpful information and after using this information you will easily receive any bank IFSC code

1 comment:

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